"Les enfants du Sourire Khmer" – ESK NGO in Cambodia

This NGO was created in 1996, their mission is to provide help to the children in Cambodia. The charity helps the children orphan, handicapped, and delinquent, but also with the victims of the prostitution, violence, AIDS or other diseases, for their social rehabilitation. They need your help. Visit the website –> http://www.enfantsdusourirekhmer.com/

“Les enfants du Sourire Khmer” – ESK NGO in Cambodia

This NGO was created in 1996, their mission is to provide help to the children in Cambodia. The charity helps the children orphan, handicapped, and delinquent, but also with the victims of the prostitution, violence, AIDS or other diseases, for their social rehabilitation. Photo by SoniaJoy They need your help. Visit the website –> http://www.enfantsdusourirekhmer.com/

"Les enfants du Sourire Khmer" – ESK NGO in Cambodia

This NGO was created in 1996, their mission is to provide help to the children in Cambodia. The charity helps the children orphan, handicapped, and delinquent, but also with the victims of the prostitution, violence, AIDS or other diseases, for their social rehabilitation. Photo by SoniaJoy They need your help. Visit the website –> http://www.enfantsdusourirekhmer.com/